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Friday, June 14, 2013

My favourite animal

This is a white tiger. It lives in Asia.
It is a big and elegant animal.
It is carnivore. It eats animals.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Our favourite animal

The cheetah is a faster animal.
It's 1,15 metres long.
It weighs 50-60 kg.
It had four short legs.
It was a carnivore
It lived in Africa

Animals from Alba and Silvia

Our favourite animal

My favourite animal

Our  favourite animal is the tiger.
It is very nice.
It's a wild cat.
The tiger is the world's largest cat. It lives in the Asian continent as for example in  India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bután y Birmania.
It is an animal in danger because it has been hunting by man.
Wild Tiger misses 3000 there are 20,000 copies while in captivity.

Make a new animal

Now you can play and learn about a new animal you can invent.